Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ateneul Roman

The Romanian Athenaeum (Romanian: Ateneul Român) is a concert hall in the center of Bucharest, Romania and a landmark of the Romanian capital city. Opened in 1888, the ornate, domed, circular building is the city's main concert hall and home of the "George Enescu" Philharmonic and of the George Enescu annual international music festival.
In 1865, cultural and scientific personalities such as Constantin Esarcu, V. A. Urechia, and Nicolae Creţulescu founded the Romanian Atheneum Cultural Society. To serve its purposes, the Romanian Athenaeum, a building dedicated to art and science, would be erected in Bucharest.
The building was designed by the French architect Albert Galleron, built on a property that had belonged to the Văcărescu family and inaugurated in 1888, although work continued until 1897. A portion of the construction funds was raised by public subscription in a 28-year long effort, of which the slogan is still remembered today: "Donate one leu for the Ateneu!"
On December 29, 1919, the Atheneum was the site of the conference of leading Romanians who voted to ratify the unification of Bessarabia, Transylvania, and Bukovina with the Romanian Old Kingdom to constitute Greater Romania.

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  1. I would love to visit here again!

  2. Pentru Ateneu...dau mai mult ! >:D<

  3. Frumoasă fotografie ai ales pentru astăzi.

  4. superba fotografia , pacat ca tot mai putini au ramas cei care intradevar apreciaza aceste cladiri magnifice si cu un trecut atat de superb.

  5. De cand ai luat noul aparat foto nu mai ai odihna:).

  6. Excellent photo.

    Regards and best wishes

  7. Ce frumos faci tu sa para Ateneul.

  8. Frumoasă fotografie, se cunoaște specialistul. Dacă treci cu adevărat pe acolo, nu se vede chiar așa, din păcate !

  9. Mai frumos ca în realitate!

  10. Bună Costin!
    Superbă poza ta!
    Am vizitat Ateneul cu foarte mulți ani
    în urmă,am avut un spectacol cu corul
    Zi minunată să ai!

  11. f frumos...o emblema deosebita a Romaniei

  12. Felicitari pt alegerea de azi, Costin!! Happy WW!!

  13. da...foarte bine pus in valoare! frumoase culori!

  14. Deosebita fotografia , Atheneul pare atat de frumos ...

  15. Este unul din simbolurile Bucurestiului...

  16. great shot! thanks for joining tina´s ww! hope to see you tomorrow again :)


Atacul cu idei :